Spotlight Squees: The X-Files

Today is the UK opening of The X-Files: I Want To Believe, so it's quite fitting for today's topic to be that of Mulder and Scully. Also, it'll be the first installment of fictional characters.

Who are these people?
Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) are two FBI agents on a TV show called "The X-Files" (1993-2002). Mulder's the person who believes in all kinds of paranormal things, Scully's the sceptic who is sent in to debunk his work. If you don't already know who they are, go watch the show.

How did I find these people?
I saw a trailer on TV4 once upon a time. I thought it sounded like a great show, and one of the episodes was on at 8pm instead of 9:10pm, so I was allowed to stay up and watch it. This would've been "Squeeze" (1X02). I wasn't allowed to be up and watch the other episodes, as I was supposed to be in bed, but my sister taped them for me, so that I could watch them the next day when I got home from school.

How long ago was this?
It was in 1993 or 1994, which means I was around 11 or 12.

So what's the deal?
When I was like 13, I had such a crush on Mulder. A good-looking guy in a suit and tie who's in all the kinds of paranormal stuff I'm into as well. :) Seriously, though, a TV show about two FBI agents investigating matters of the supernatural, paranormal, weird and bizarre... it's just great. There's the Lone Gunmen who gives paranoid nerds a good name, Cancer Man who gives smokers a bad name, and so on. It was a show very much into UFOs and aliens, and at the time, most likely as a direct result of the show, so was I.

It didn't exactly do anything to quench my interest in the paranormal, more like added fuel to the fire. It was something I searched for online and came across a site called MEGAchat, which later changed its name to CHATphiles, and the rest is history.

Mulder showed me that it was okay to believe in something, and to fight for that belief, even if other people did not agree with it. Scully showed me not to take everything at face value. Both showed me that authority isn't always what it seems, and that just because something says "government" or "military" that it doesn't necessarily have to be trusted. In fact, they should probably be less trusted.

The first X-Files movie, Fight The Future, is one of the two films I've seen twice at the cinema. I still remember being there the night it opened back home in Stenungsund. How people cheered when the Lone Gunmen came on screen, and how someone said "men vafan!" ("aww, damnit!") when Mulder and Scully so nearly kissed, but didn't. :) Ahh, those were the days...

If I met these people IRL, I'd...
...Most likely go "woah, you're real?! That must mean that everything on The X-Files is real too! OMFG!" ;) If I met the actors, I'd probably say hello and thanking them for a wonderful show that had such a huge impact on me.

Obsession rating:
When I was in school: unbefookinlievable. Now: still love it, and the rating has gone up due to the new movie (not about the black oil or even aliens for once, yay!). And I want the complete DVD box more than ever. And DVD box ftw! :D

IMDb: The X-Files
IMDb: The X-Files: Fight The Future
IMDb: The X-Files: I Want To Believe
Wikipedia: The X-Files
Facebook: The X-Files (page)


  1. I was a huge x-files fan! Yay, finally found someone else who remembers this show. My sister and I used to watch the x files music video over and over again, just to get our 'fix'. The scary freakish monster ones were my favourite. I got really sick of the government conspiracy ones in the end.

  2. Yay, another X-phile! :D I've been re-watching the series on DVD after I got the box set and it was so great to watch all of it again! It was a while ago since I last watched it, but I had made it to season 7, I think it was, which I seem to have missed most of when it was on TV (they changed the day/time it was on for some stupid reason).

    I probably like the spirit/reincarnation episodes most, or at least I do now. The Scully episode which Gillian Anderson wrote (All Things, 7X17) I remember being bored by originally (99% Mulder free - boo hiss!) but when I watched it in more recent years, I absolutely LOVED it. Funny that.

    Like you, I too got sick of the government conspiracies. It just got tediuos. "Oh great, black oil again. Go fig." That's why I actually liked the new film, even though it could've been an episode just as well. Well, that and the fact that it was something new from XF for quite some years. :)


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