2013 Books of Eyre Challenge

2013 Books of Eyre Challenge Hosted by The Musings of ALMYBNENR

Want to read Jane Eyre-related books? Why not join in the 2013 Books of Eyre Challenge, hosted by Amber at The Musings of ALMYBNENR? :) I think it sounds like a splendid idea. The challenge runs all year long, and you can set your own level of participation:

  • Orphan: 5 books
  • Student: 10 books
  • Teacher/Governess: 15 books
  • Mr./Mrs. Rochester: 20 books

Last year, I reviewed five of these kind of books, and I have at least two that needs reviewing at the moment. As I have made it a life mission of sorts to read as many Jane Eyre spin-offs as possible (the whole thing about needing to have ISBN number is brilliant - I might just have to borrow that description), I was going to say I won't be taking part, but maybe I actually should. I mean, why not? I'm doing it already, but under the banner of Everything Eyre. Maybe then I'll get around to finish reading the ones I'm reading at the moment, not to mention actually reviewing those that are waiting to be reviewed.

If you want to come along, head over to 2013 Books of Eyre Challenge.


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