Welcome to Richard Armitage mania!

Greetings, new recruits!

I'm Armitage Army [insert faux military rank here] Traxy, and this is my blog. Howdy!

I'm posting this a few days ahead of the release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, and this is written especially for newly hatched Richard Armitage fans who are now scouring the web trying to find information about that guy who plays Thorin Oakenshield, because he's such a brilliant actor.

You know, this guy.

Basically, I'd like to welcome you to the Dark Side, where so many of us have been for years. Here, have a cookie! No doubt you now require more information about the actor Richard Armitage and I'd like you to know that yes, he really is a great actor, and he's been around for years. As has his fanbase, nicknamed by someone's husband once upon a time as the Armitage Army. (Please don't ask him about this if you ever meet him. Everyone does it, it's really old.) You're a bit late in joining the party, but the party is still in full swing, so come on in! :D

Richard Armitage is from Leicestershire here in the UK, and since I'm in Nottingham, that's practically next door! He was born 22 August 1971, and 22 August is the same day King Richard III died - which is whom the actor was named after. He'd like to do a film or TV series about Richard III some day, by the way, so you can head over to the King Richard Armitage campaign if you want to show your support!

The guy you now know as Thorin has been in many different productions. Here are a handful you can find my reviews of here at The Squeee:

Okay, maybe a bit more than a handful. *cough* (My take on The Hobbit is due this Friday. I just need to have seen it first.)

If you're into silly things, I can recommend a look at You know you're a Richard Armitage fan when..., to which you should soon be able to relate. Feel free to blush and giggle as appropriate!

If you think he was a hawt dwarf, well, he's 6'2" (about 188 cm) in real life so not exactly a dwarf. He plays cello, guitar and flute, can both sing and dance (although you'll know about the singing part from seeing The Hobbit, of course), and underneath all those prosthetics and beard is THIS:


If you want to see him with fewer layers of clothing on, Between the Sheets springs to mind (*cough*), but Spooks and Strike Back were very good at this too. If you like swimming trunks, series five of Cold Feet. If you prefer him with clothes on, anything will do. Unless you specifically want leather, in which case the pilot episode of Inspector George Gently or BBC's Robin Hood would be best suited.

If you, like me and a lot of other women, have a penchant for costume dramas, look up North & South. No, not the one about the American civil war starring Patrick Swayze! The miniseries based on a novel by Elizabeth Gaskell. The man caused a meltdown of the BBC message boards at the time.

As well he should!

There are plenty of people who blog about Richard Armitage a lot more than I do. A very incomplete list can be found if you click BLOGROLL & LINKS at the top of the page, where you can also find links to fan forums and fan sites, if you want to keep up with news.

For the past three years, in March, a bunch of us bloggers have set a week aside to blog about him in a special event known as the FanstRAvaganza. No doubt there will be one of those again in a few months time, so stick around!

If you want to send him gifts, please don't; he has no need for them, and thinks your money would be better spent elsewhere - like donating to one of the charities he supports on JustGiving.

That's about it when it comes to a brief introduction into Armitage Admiration! Hope you'll delve deeper into Armitage Studies after this, and get a chance to watch more things that he's been in. From what we can tell, he's a great guy as well as being a great actor, and we're all very proud to call ourselves his fans. Many of us have become online friends, and we hope to soon be able to count you as a friend as well. :)



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