Urgently seeking guest posters!


If you have ever considered submitting a guest review or any other kind of post, to my humble haunt here, now is a great time to get your hands dirty! I'm going to be offline for a few weeks, but I'd still like there to be some posts while I'm gone, if possible. I'm working on writing reviews myself, and so far I've managed to cover six out of nine posts (or twelve, preferably), but if you ever wanted to contribute, now would be a good time, as it gives me time to focus on a bunch of stuff I'll need to sort out in the week ahead.

If you have anything you'd like to write, you can email the finished post(s) to blog(at)traxy.co.uk before Friday 21 September, and I'll let you know what date it'll be scheduled for, which will be early- to mid-October. If you've never contributed before, a short blurb about yourself would be great so that you're more than just Random Name. See Guest Posts for examples of previous guest posts. :)

Thanks in advance! Here's a picture of an adorable puddytat as a thank you for reading:

~ 24 December 2011 ~
Put a red ribbon on Daisy's collar to make her Xmassy
and goshdarnit, I had to squee she was so cute! :) ♥


  1. I am starting a new, full-time job on Monday but I could try to pull something together.

    Did you get that step-stool at IKEA? If yes, I have the exact same one!

    1. Ooh, good luck! :) I love your posts, but if you're busy, don't worry about it. Real life is more important than a blog!

      Indeed it is. :) IKEA is maybe 10-15 drive from here and I have been known to go there on my own and being struck by the thought of "hm, how am I suppose to get all this to the car by myself? I've only got two hands." Last time, I realised why there are trolley lockers. I like to go to IKEA for the food court, but they're only selling things they've got the recipe to now. Abba's mustard herring is nicer than IKEA own brand. :/ Not to mention IKEA no longer sell julmust, which is akin to heresy as far as ex-pat Swedes are concerned!

  2. Hi Traxy, I've been following your blog a while and really enjoy your snarky reviews, esp on Twilight. I'm into the Brontes, the Victorians, and now some Austen. If you're OK with it I should be able to churn up something about Jane Austen's male characters.

    1. That would be absolutely delightful, thank you! :)

  3. Would something about "Lost in Austen" be helpful?



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